

Enterprise Search Platform with visions of the Singularity



An award winning team of software designers and engineers based in LA and Barcelona were building a powerful enterprise search engine — only problem was the engine had limited usability on its front end. Needing creative direction to determine how it should look, what it could accomplish and how it could be made into a monetized product, the startup asked if we could lend a hand building its brand and all its ancillary elements into a platform that was beautiful, easy to market, and something people would feel they could trust with their personal data. After extensive iterations, development, and user-flow testing, Atlas executed a successful launch, attracting clients such as Facebook and other Fortune 500 companies.




Atlas is a powerful piece of narrow AI that could be tuned to become the framework for an infinite number of potential products. In order to better understand what the company wished to do with the software, we embarked to Ibiza with the CEO on a vision quest to understand his motives, dreams and aspirations. Days of brainstorming eventually produced a roadmap that we could refer to when aligning the transatlantic team members, developing VC presentations, and shaping the software into a marketable product and brand.

In short, Atlas wanted to develop a deep learning machine that would connect, search and analyse data across multiple platforms. From this grandiose goal, we synthesized achievable action steps for the company and developed a core mission statement: “Connect everything so you can find anything.”

Building off this seed of “navigation,” we settled on the the name Atlas, which allowed us to develop a language and visual system that referenced the company’s aspirations.

Everything from Atlas’ logo to its website, UX, and positioning, worked together to reiterate how it is an epic and intuitive technology that can be trusted to manage and analyze data.


Majestic images of open landscapes, subtle topographic lines, and typeface borrowed from America’s highway system made the platform look unique, inspiring and compelling to view. A bright color palette and a friendly onboarding process with causal language made the interface approachable and easy to use. Because Atlas’ power and performance improved with the more data sources users connected, we created videos and sales-sheets focused on the financial benefits and security of digitized enterprise search.

Before Atlas’ official launch, we tested a beta version of its website and software, mapping user flow, evolving new features, and responding to feedback.

Today Atlas helps power enterprise search for some of the most powerful data companies on the planet and is a stellar example of everything a strong branding campaign can achieve.



Atlas Defined
E-STET Digital Experience




Competitive Positioning
Collaborative Workshops
Brand Architecture
Brand Strategy
Creative Direction
Visual System
Vision / Mission / Beliefs
Company Narrative


Software Architecture
Graphic User Interface (GUI)
User experience (UX)
Multimedia content (videos, editorial, & photography)
Pitch Decks
Print Communications
Sales Sheets
Business Cards
Press Kits
Email marketing
Banner Ads
Environmental Design


A/B Testing
Marketing Plans


Atlas GUI & Onboarding Message

Atlas GUI & Onboarding Message




Some Projects From OUR OTHER FRIENDS